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Well Man Life Promotion
The philosophy of 'life promotion' is to encourage men to take responsibility for their wellbeing habits from an early age.
Your wellbeing habits can have affect on how you cope physically, mentally and socially with the roller coaster of life and whether you stay in the daylight or finish up in a dark place.
​Positive living involves all 3 areas of wellbeing and understanding the holistic interconnectedness will assist you to live your best life. What you eat can effect how you think, eating fast food for comfort can lead to obesity and mental health issues. Staying indoors will reduce the amount of vitamin D in your system. Vitamin D is involved with calcium absorption, immune function and protecting bone, muscle and heart health. Stretching your muscles regularly can aid in completing physical tasks, maintaining your core strength will assist your posture and improve your sense of wellbeing. Evaluating your values and beliefs regularly negates stagnation. What your father passed down genetically might have been essential to live life during his time but maybe needs to be updated to cope in the 21st century. Socially connecting with friends and family on a regular basis can reduce anxiety and the chance of depression.
​Small wellbeing changes provide major life gains, you are in charge of what you eat, what values you uphold, who your friends are, whether you exercise on a regular basis, if you accept mindfulness and meditation. It is your life and your choice. To avoid dark moods and bad outcomes simply embrace positive living habits, make the effort and be consistent.
It is a man's responsibility to live a good life for himself, his family and society.
Grant Westthorp's top 5 tips to promote your life​
- Silence your mind, invest 20 minutes daily meditating to cut the transmission of thoughts.
- Reduce stress, anxiety and tension by including tapping in your daily routine. Upload the well man app for more information.
- Choose your friends wisely, friends who are positive will uplift you, the rest will pull you down.
- Upgrade your senses, connect to nature and engage your senses, what do you see, smell, hear and feel?, this simple action improves your awareness.
- Stay in the moment, enjoy being present and maximise the now.
Small wellbeing changes can provide major life gains, the choice is yours.
It is a man's responsibility to live a good life for himself, his family and society, are you onboard?

selectability acknowledges the Traditional Owners of the land on which we provide services and pay our respects to Elders past, present and emerging. We acknowledge those with lived experience and those who support and partner with us to improve mental wellbeing and prevent suicide across regional Queensland.