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Wellbeing Wednesday - Encourage wellness activities at work!
Wellbeing Wednesday - Encourage wellness activities at work!
A survey of over 5000 workers indicated that 25 per cent took time off each year for stress-related reasons.
Here are three tips for employers to enhance their employees’ mental health at work:
#1 Lunch breaks:
It's important to encourage employees to take lunch breaks in a breakout area like a lunchroom. Having time away from your desk to mingle with coworkers will help your mind take a break from work.
#2 Take walking or offsite meetings:
Instead of holding a formal meeting in a conference room, arrange to meet outside or at a local coffee shop. This tactic will get your team out of the office and into a new environment, resulting in a much more profitable meeting.
#3 Offer work-life balance training
Working and personal life become so entwined that you can’t even tell where one stops and the other begins. A good work-life balance is critical for lowering stress and maintaining mental health. host a work-life balance training session to encourage employees to spend more time with their families and hobbies.
#4 Provide fresh healthy snacks for the communal fridge
Maintaining healthy blood pressure, supporting energy levels, and providing the nutrients necessary to live a long life are all assisted by consuming fresh foods and this helps to avoid the workplace vending machine culture.
#5 Host a step challenge
Try to organize a step challenge among your co-workers to encourage your team to exercise daily.
#6 Encourage sober-curious movement.
There is a massive “sober curious” movement in which people are beginning to question the role alcohol plays in their lives. Some individuals abstain from alcohol for one week, month, year, or permanently to see how it influences their mental and physical health. If you want your employees to drink more thoughtfully, an alcohol-free week or month in the office might be a good wellness idea.

selectability acknowledges the Traditional Owners of the land on which we provide services and pay our respects to Elders past, present and emerging. We acknowledge those with lived experience and those who support and partner with us to improve mental wellbeing and prevent suicide across regional Queensland.