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selectability & Workways getting regional Queenslanders job ready!
Regional Queensland job seekers are one step closer to finding employment, thanks to a new partnership with Workways and selectability.
The two organisations have teamed up to deliver the Australian Government’s local Jobs program designed to prepare job seekers for the workforce and provide them with a pathway to employment.
selectability’s Chief Operating Officer, Aaron Farrell, said the sessions had a focus on focus on reskilling, upskilling and providing new opportunities to access employment.
“Getting yourself job ready can be daunting, especially if you are looking to move into a new industry,” said Mr Farrell.
“These sessions take jobseekers through exactly what being a Lifestyle Support Worker involves and tips for preparing applications that will secure an interview.
“As part of the partnership we hope to get 45 jobseekers into employment with selectability.”
selectability’s Annnalese Smith presented the first information session to 20 interested jobseekers attended in person and via Zoom from Workways sites across regional Queenslanders with the aim of encouraging the group to take the opportunity to join the selectability team.
“It would be great if they all signed up! There is a big need out there and we would love to add people to our team and make a difference in our community,” said Annalese.
Aaron Farrell said it was never too early to get ‘job ready’ and there are simple things that can help prepare – even before you start your application.
“Life moves so fast these days, it’s always smart to update your resume before you need to apply for the job. It could be your basic details, work experience or even community engagement such as volunteering or helping out,” said Aaron.
Aaron’s other tips included contacting potential referees and familiarising yourself with a company’s website.
“You can get a lot of information from a website to give you a better understanding of an organisation.
“This can help you engage better in the interview process and ask specific questions to demonstrate your interest in the role and the organisation … which is always a positive and will likely earn you bonus points.”
The sessions will be run every three months and referrals need to come through Workways.
Keep an eye on our website for updates.

selectability acknowledges the Traditional Owners of the land on which we provide services and pay our respects to Elders past, present and emerging. We acknowledge those with lived experience and those who support and partner with us to improve mental wellbeing and prevent suicide across regional Queensland.