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selectability reminds the community to look after mental health during lockdown
As Townsville and Palm Island adapt to the snap lockdown selectability is reminding the community that there are things we can all do to look after our mental health during this time and support is available to those who need it.
While north Queensland has to date managed to escape the full impacts of the COVID pandemic yesterday’s events demonstrated how quickly the situation can change.
selectability CEO Debra Burden said the uncertainty of the situation and the speed of change can impact people’s sense of security and mental wellbeing.
“While we have watched these events take place across Australia this sudden, unexpected lockdown has come as a surprise for many Townsville residents,” said Ms Burden.
“This kind of disruption can be very stressful and worrying so it is really important that we take steps to look after our own mental wellbeing and that of our loved ones.”
Ms Burden said that while it is important to stay up-to-date with current guidelines and restrictions the community should be selective about where it sources its information.
“There is so much messaging available that it can become overwhelming and confusing.
“Make sure you check the Queensland Health website for any updates to the situation but where possible avoid reading articles and posts that will cause anxiety.”
“Stay connected and check in with your friends and family. While you may not be able to physically visit them we have a range of technology options available to help us stay in touch.
“Exercise is also a great way to reduce stress, even if it is a short walk around the block or to the local park,” said Ms Burden.
If people do find themselves struggling there are a range of support options available.
“Anyone having a tough time should reach out for support. There are many online options and phone support services like Lifeline available 24/7.”
“selectability also provides free counselling, which can be delivered via video link or over the phone.”
For more information visit or call 4781 2600

selectability acknowledges the Traditional Owners of the land on which we provide services and pay our respects to Elders past, present and emerging. We acknowledge those with lived experience and those who support and partner with us to improve mental wellbeing and prevent suicide across regional Queensland.