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selectability Ingham - helping locals connect and learn news skills
selectability Mental Health Hub consumers in Ingham have been taking time to get to know each other while getting hands-on in the kitchen.
In response to growing community demand, selectability Ingham started delivering a range of group activities including cooking and craft in April.
As Regional Coordinator Deborah explains the groups have been well-received and have already achieved some positive outcomes for consumers, including social connection.
“I have definitely noticed some great improvements in those coming to cooking,” said Deborah.
“Consumers are learning other skills including patience, how to work collaboratively in a group environment and the practice of mindfulness.”
Locals Tayla and Alana (pictured) have struggled in the past with making friends but since coming to Mental Health Hub groups they have connected over their interest in cooking.
“I enjoy cooking on Wednesday,” said Alana, with Tayla adding that “cooking is my favourite group and I have been learning lots of new skills”.
As well as group programs both women receive individual supports.
For Alana, who has an intellectual impairment, selectability has been able to assist her “understand things better” while also supporting her with reading.
“I have individual support on Fridays, and I am supported to go to appointments and go to the shops. Sometimes we also go for coffee and lunch,” said Alana.
Tayla has been with selectability a little bit longer than Alana after her neighbour – a lifestyle support worker – suggested the organisation.
“I was having trouble connecting with people, but I come to groups on Tuesday and Wednesday now which has really helped. I love it, it’s great! I have been able to meet lots of new people.
“Things have definitely been getting better since I started with selectability and I have been learning how to open up and communicate.”
Both Tayla and Alana agree that the “people are nice” and that group programs give them a reason to get out of the house and socialise.
The Mental Health Hub has an open-door policy for those in the community who are wanting to improve their mental wellbeing.
Our Mental Health Hubs are safe, non-judgemental places where people can come together, there are no referrals required and everyone is always welcome to walk in and have a chat.
You can find more information on selectability Ingham HERE

selectability acknowledges the Traditional Owners of the land on which we provide services and pay our respects to Elders past, present and emerging. We acknowledge those with lived experience and those who support and partner with us to improve mental wellbeing and prevent suicide across regional Queensland.