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selectability Cairns’ recovery coaching helps Connor reach goals and launch a photography business!

selectability Cairns’ recovery coaching helps Connor reach goals and launch a photography business!

8 December 2021

For Mareeba local and selectability consumer Connor an interest in photography as support tool during times of mental ill health has quickly transformed into his own successful business, with the encouragement of his recovery coach, Sandra.

Connor who has been diagnosed with symptoms of bipolar disorder has recently returned to the local community to be closer to family. And since returning has been accessing selectability services after they were recommended by his local area coordinator.

"My local area coordinator suggested selectability as one of the best (mental health and wellbeing) providers in Cairns and after meeting with them a few times I agreed. I now incorporate selectability into my support network." 

Connor said his interest in photography started with using his mobile phone as a creative outlet when experiencing times of mental ill health.

"I found a love of photography as a cure and expressionism for depression. When forced out of the house to take photos in nature it gave me time to ‘stop and smell the roses’ as it were.

"If I frame beauty in my images it gives me hope and happiness like affirmations. I was constantly reminded of the grace of nature and by capturing its beauty I could take that image with me in my mind to use as inspiration and positivity in a practical sense."

Working together both Sandra, Connor’s recovery coach and support coordinator and Wade, his support worker, have been able to support him to access services to help him through his recovery journey.

Recovery coaches are available at selectability Cairns, specifically for people who live with mental illness. Coaching allows consumers to receive support to make life easier, to navigate and help understand and access services that get them closer to their goals.

Sandra said that since first meeting Connor earlier this year she has seen him make amazing progress on his recovery journey.

"At first Connor was very reluctant to engage with me, but over six months of regularly showing up, through his hospital admissions and out the other side, Connor and I eventually developed a connection and good rapport. He started sharing with me his journey and with trust we were able to share our common experiences. We now find it hard to stop talking!"

"As a recovery coach success to me is not how far Connor has progressed but how much Connor knows that his success is his own. This means I have done my best to empower and not enable him. Connor has so much insight to offer the community to help reduce the stigma of a mental health diagnosis."

Sandra has also been supporting Connor, encouraging him to turn his passion of photography into a business, to "value his skills and start quoting for his services."

Often Connor finds workplaces difficult to navigate and so he followed the encouraging words of Sandra and has turned his love of photography into a business.

"In workplaces my mental illness was often stigmatised and often high stress would be my undoing. So I thought if I worked for myself and started a business doing something I loved there would be no chance for failure." 

Connor’s favourite photograph

"Taken at the Babinda Boulders, the motion captured in the water with long exposure gives a painting effect.

"Colour is great for nature but black and white offers a bold contrast that can leave a lasting impact."

You can check out more of Connor’s work by heading to Connor Kerlin Photography on Facebook or visiting his website.

For more information about selectability Cairns and recovery coaching, reach out to our friendly team on 07 4044 8900 or

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selectability acknowledges the Traditional Owners of the land on which we provide services and pay our respects to Elders past, present and emerging. We acknowledge those with lived experience and those who support and partner with us to improve mental wellbeing and prevent suicide across regional Queensland.

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