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Palm Island's Mahie Club gets hands-on in the kitchen
Breakfast is often referred to as the most important meal of the day and consumers at selectability’s Palm Island Mental Health Hub are discovering the many benefits for themselves in a new group program.
After increased interest from locals in our culturally safe programs and services, Regional Coordinator Bradley Baker and a team of Lifestyle Support Workers introduced the Mahie (pronounced Miyee) Club to the Mental Health Hub program.
Bradley said the Mahie Club encouraged consumers to get hands-on in the kitchen and prepare nutritious meals - all while enjoying a cuppa and a yarn.
“The first day was really successful, we had 20 of our 25 consumers participate in some way or another,” said Bradley.
“All of the consumers really appreciated the first day and came together as a group to enjoy a delicious, cooked breakfast.”
Bradley said the team on Palm Island was finding larger facilitated group activities to be very successful with the local community.
“The groups rolled out have been on a much larger scale than out previous ones
“These larger groups allow consumers to engage with more people and we can set up more special interest activities – which increases their social connections and self-confidence.”
While group programs have been on offer on the Island for some time, Bradley said that since starting as Regional Coordinator earlier this year a review was conducted to ensure that programs were meeting the needs of consumers.
“We asked our consumers what they thought about the new group the Mahie Club, and all welcomed the idea.”
“The Mahie Club is now somewhere consumers can come in the morning to connect and have breakfast.
“It provides a good opportunity for individuals to develop skills in preparing food for themselves – which is a task that some of our consumers struggle with.
“It’s also a safe place in the morning for consumers.”
The Mahie Club runs on Tuesday, Wednesday and Thursday.from9am to 10.30am

selectability acknowledges the Traditional Owners of the land on which we provide services and pay our respects to Elders past, present and emerging. We acknowledge those with lived experience and those who support and partner with us to improve mental wellbeing and prevent suicide across regional Queensland.