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Flexible, accessible services at Mental Health Hubs
Cooking, gardening and art are just some of the activities on the program at the Townsville Mental Health Hub … and according to Care Navigator Melissa Rake, this is expanding rapidly!
Melissa said the team designed the program with flexibility in mind and it was thanks to the input of regular attendees that the activities on offer had become so diverse.
“We offer activities that are suited to the interests and needs of the people seeking our support,” Melissa said.
“Since the Hub opened last year we have seen lots of new groups added to our schedule.
“It is fantastic to see people working together creatively to improve their wellbeing.”
Kerry, a regular Hub attendee with a passion for cooking and art, said she participated in the cooking sessions and shared the food she prepared with the art group the next day.
“A healthy diet is important to good mental health. I love attending the cooking class and sharing ideas on the different topics while we make delicious food,” said Kerry
“My homemade pizzas are always a big hit with the art group.
“It is great to be a part of such a diverse and welcoming group – we all bring different skills and strengths to the sessions.”
Melissa said one of the aims of the Mental Health Hub was to ensure that services are as accessible to as many people as possible and transport played a big part in this.
“Not having convenient or reliable transport is a major obstacle to people attending the Hub,” she said.
“We recently purchased our own vehicle so we offer transport to and from activities.
“This is really important as it means people don’t have to worry about getting to the Hub.”

selectability acknowledges the Traditional Owners of the land on which we provide services and pay our respects to Elders past, present and emerging. We acknowledge those with lived experience and those who support and partner with us to improve mental wellbeing and prevent suicide across regional Queensland.